Friday, July 30, 2010

Why You Should Read Love Horoscopes Even If You Don't Believe Them

By Chelle S.

Many people might be skeptical that reading horoscopes can actually improve a relationship. After all, most horoscopes do come with the disclaimer that "this horoscope is for entertainment purposes only!" It is true that horoscopes do not generally have any guarantee to be accurate. Others might believe that love horoscopes are only for people who are looking for love or have started a new relationship. But long term committed couples and married couples can benefit from reading horoscopes, even if they are completely wrong!

Before you dismiss the idea of reading love horoscopes, here are some of the ways that love horoscopes can actually improve your relationships:

1. It Gets You Thinking About Your Relationship: Let's face it, we don't always put our partner or our relationship first. Family, work, and other responsibilities often take priority over spending quality time with our partners or giving the relationship the attention it needs and deserves. Reading love horoscopes on a regular basis will make you think of your partner and your relationship, even if the horoscope is completely wrong.

2. It Helps You Get to Know Your Partner Better: If you've ever read an astrology profile on someone, it often characterizes their personality traits and behaviors. Sure, these traits in a horoscope report may be generalized or completely untrue, but it can also give you insight in understanding your partner's personality better. Finding out how much you know about your partner's personality can make it a lot easier to understand why they do the things they do.

3. Improve Intimacy: When you are thinking about your relationship and you know your partner well, it can help improve intimacy between one another. Many love horoscopes also provide inspiration on new ways to connect with your partner both emotionally and physically.

4. Be More Romantic: Having a daily reminder to think about your partner can cause you to be a little more romantic. Maybe it will inspire you to send your partner a little surprise or just give them a call to let them know you are thinking about them.

5. Better Communication: The more attention you give your relationship and the better you understand your partner, the easier it is to communicate in a way that they will understand and appreciate. Horoscopes often give ideas on ways to communicate better with your partner, whether by simply being more honest or learning to open up to your partner more.

Next time you see someone reading a horoscope or see a love horoscope in the newspaper or online, don't dismiss it as something silly. Reading horoscopes can be a great opportunity to improve your relationship and remind you to give your relationship the attention it needs and deserves. You might just be surprised at how much reading love horoscopes can benefit you and your relationship!

If you'd like to see how you can improve your relationship by reading horoscopes, you may want to get started learning about Chinese love horoscopes. You can learn many other ways to improve your relationships on Chelle's website about Dating and Relationships.

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Do You Believe in Astrology & Horoscopes?

By Carolyn Clayton

The subject of astrology & horoscopes has intrigued people for generations upon generations. There is a mystery about it, and it is never certain as to whether or not one should believe in the predictions. Sometimes they appear to reveal the truth, as they seem to know about your life and where you are in it.
The stars and planets tell a story. And there are those who believe that as the earth moves, and the different constellations move into the atmospheres of the planets, this affects the outcome of our future. The movement can be predicted, so the futures can also be planned.

As with any predictions, one can usually change the outcome by simply doing something other than what they were going to do. If it was predicted by an astrologist that your relationship with a boyfriend would end at a certain place on a certain night, the obvious thing to do to avoid this would be not to be there. Or maybe you would go there at another time. Or maybe you would decide to meet him at a different place. This way, whether it is all in your mind or not, the prediction is not likely to happen. You can even believe it so much in your own mind that you actually prevent it from happening.

Sometimes, however, it is more involved than that. And there are other constellations to be concerned about, as well as the moon and the planets. After all, there is an awful lot going on out in that big universe all at one time. But is the subject of prediction through astrology real?

There are horoscopes that can be found in the newspaper that really seem to be way off the mark. This can easily convince a person that the subject of horoscopes is just not credible. But this may just be because they are so broad. How can one horoscope for Scorpio on that day be the same for every Scorpio? When you look at it that way, it does seem quite absurd.

But when you go to an astronomer, and she examines all the evidence about the day that you were born, a very different set of predictions comes out. These are designed with your birth date and time in mind.

At the precise moment that you were born, the stars and planets were in a certain area of the galaxy. There have been occurrences throughout your lifetime that your astrologer will tell you about. If they are mostly true, without you revealing any of it to her beforehand, it is difficult to distrust her future predictions.

To be sure for yourself whether astrologists are real, treat yourself to a visit to one. Have her set up your astrological chart, and if you are a bit uneasy about know about the future in its entirety, just have her give you one or two future predictions. This is, of course, after she tells you what your life has been like and what your accomplishments have been so far. You may change your mind about the subject of astrology/horoscopes.

Carolyn Clayton
For more Sparkling writing style and insights from the UK's most original and sincere Astrologer Patrick Arundell. Check out your Horoscopes including Love Horoscopes today!

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Love Horoscopes - Can a Compatibility Reading REALLY Help ME Meet My Soul Mate?

By Ernie J. Gentile

Who else is considering getting a love horoscope done? Are you sick and tired of being alone? Are you struggling to find someone who is TRULY right for you, and finished jumping from one bad relationship to the next looking for REAL love? The unfortunate truth is that most people NEVER meet the person they are destined to fall in love with. Most of us settle for LESS than we deserve in love, and there is nothing sadder than this.

BUT.....imagine finally meeting the ONE person who truly could make you happy? Do you believe that true love DOES live in the hands of fate..and there really IS that one special person out there that is 100% right for you? What would YOUR life feel like if you finally found that one true love?

This is where I PASSIONATELY believe love horoscope readings can help ANYONE with a genuine interest in finding true love make that happen in a hurry...and without having to kiss a whole slew of frogs to find them!

Why do I believe that horoscopes work from the standpoint of compatibility? Because I've experienced it firsthand. And starting OUT as a skeptic! The long and short of it is that I had a psychic astrologer tell me AND my girlfriend of 10 years not only that we were wrong for each other...but described in DETAIL who we would one day each meet that would be RIGHT!

Want to know the truth?
I wanted the psychic to be WRONG! (and I believed he was) But when the person that he described for my fiancee appeared in our lives one day....I had a very strange feeling, and I remembered that reading with dread..:-) And when everything that this psychic had predicted started to come true...I knew how the hand was going to play out.

The truth?
This obscure psychic, with a random and very specific horoscope chart pulled on both of us, predicted, accurately how BOTH our love lives would play out. My girlfriend at the time married the man the psychic had "seen"....and I too met the woman of MY destiny a few short years later and we're still together today! (this reading was done over 10 years ago)

I honestly believe that a GOOD intuitive who has mastered the art and science of love astrology and compatibility can work wonders...and whether you are looking to FALL in love fast, OR simply looking to find out if you're current partner is the "ONE", I can't think of a better way to find out than this!

Click HERE for the BEST ===> LOVE Horoscope Psychic Readings......ANYWHERE online!
The Absolute BEST Psychic Reviews. Real People. Real Psychic Readings. Really Amazing!

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Love Horoscopes - A Brief Introduction to Chinese Horoscope Compatibility Tests

By Felix Godwin

With the rising incidence of divorce and break ups, it is a good idea to have your love horoscope matched with your prospective life partner well before you tie the knot. Having an affair with someone you are not compatible with, leads to a difficult married life. Though many incompatible partners lead a peaceful life, they remain dissatisfied from their life.

Divorce and break ups happen because we do not take our love life seriously. Though you fall in love without thinking about compatibility, it is better to check if you compatible with your partner. It saves you from a lot of differences that develop later in life. Matching love horoscope gives you an idea of what kind of person you are compatible with.

There are various types of compatibility tests available these days. Based on your date and time of birth, they can give clues about how you love life is going to be. Like many other zodiac readings Chinese horoscope compatibility test gives you a report based on the year of your birth. Chinese horoscopes are based on a 12 year cycle. Each year is represented by an animal. Depending upon your year of birth, you are associated with that animal. Your personality traits are determined as per your animal sign.

Your animal sign is like your zodiac sign of many other types of astrological readings. Each sign in compatible with two other signs forming a group of three signs known as "trines". All 12 signs have been divided into 4 trines consisting of 3 most compatible signs. These 4 trines are as follows
• Rat,Dragon, Monkey
• Ox, Snake, Rooster
• Tiger, Horse, Dog
• Rabbit, Ram, Pig

When two partners do not fall in the same trine, they usually lead a life full of discord and differences. Initial attraction fizzles out as soon as they get married. Even if you do not believe in horoscopes and astrology in general, you will find some remarkable similarity with the traits of your animal sign. Popularity of Chinese horoscope has gone up in recent years because it gives you somewhat more straightforward love compatibility report than many other astrological readings.

Compatibility test in general is a good way to find out if you are dating the right person. Though there are ways to lead a happy life even if you are incompatible with your partner, it is better to have an affair with someone you will naturally go along with.

Would you like to find out if you are compatible with your dating partner? Get one of the most accurate personalized Love Horoscope that will tell you if you should take your relationship to a higher level. Read more about types of astrology and order your Love Compatibility test report now

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Chinese Love Horoscopes and Love Matches

By Harriet Honeywell

The Chinese love horoscope or astrology reading comes from an ancient system based on 12 lunar signs. These signs are based on the year that you were born, rather than the signs of western astrology that takes predictions from the month. Similarly, the 12 lunar signs also relate to animals and they each represent the type of personality you will have a tendency to be, presenting you with recognisable characteristics. So if you've got your eye on someone, and know their date of birth, then the Chinese love horoscope will tell you whether as a love match you will be hot or not!
Want to find out if the Chinese love horoscope brings good or bad news for you? Here's a brief guide to who to get closer to and who to give a wide berth.

The Year of the Rat - 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Those born in the year of the rat are cunning and ambitious. With a love of money and opportunities, they are always on the look out for their next project. In love, they like a fellow minded quick-thinker and can make a good catch due to their love of family.

The Rat's Chinese Love Horoscope - another Rat, the Ox, the Rabbit, the Dog and the Boar but they are even more perfect with the Monkey and the Dragon.

The Year of the Ox - 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
The Ox is dependable and steadfast in approach. Good (if a little tight!) with money, they will never let you down. While they are not the most romantic sign of the zodiac, they will show their affections in more practical ways.
Where will they find love? - A good relationship can be found with the Ox, Rat, Dragon, Monkey or Dog. Seek out the Rooster or Snake for something special.
The Year of the Tiger - 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Passionate and exciting, these wild cats like to live life to the fullest! They are the life and soul of the party and always trying to win the good opinion of others. But while they can be outgoing and brash, they also have a softer side and like to help others.

Chinese love horoscope - another Tiger, Dragon, Sheep, Rooster, or Boar. For fireworks, seek out the Horse or Dog.

The Year of the Rabbit - 1951, 1963, 1975,1987, 1999
The loveable, charming Rabbit - this sweet creature has everything going for him or her. But below this placid exterior is a very sharp and cunning mind. The Rabbit is always analysing and looking for clues in others, trying to find out what they think.

The Rabbit's love horoscope - another Rabbit, a Rat, a Dragon or Dog and for that soul mate connection the Boar or Sheep.

The Year of the Dragon - 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000
The Dragon is a natural born leader and likes to be noticed wherever he or she goes. Others are drawn to them for their sense of authority and tend to forgive their less attractive qualities such as arrogance or stubbornness! But they can show a sensitive side to their personality when needed.

Chinese love horoscope - try a Rabbit, Snake, Horse, Rooster or Horse for a solid relationship but for that something extra it needs to be a Rat or Monkey.
The Year of the Snake - 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001

The Snake is the deep thinker of the Chinese horoscopes. Wise and knowledgeable this is someone who likes peace and quiet. They get their fun from the finer things in life! The Snake is also highly observant and likes to watch others, always looking for an opportunity. There is a materialistic side to the Snake too and they like to strive for financial security.

Who's suitable for the Snake? - Another Snake, the Rat, the Dragon or Dog. But the best love match comes from the Rooster and the Ox.

The Year of the Horse - 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002
The Horse has an abundance of energy and is always ready for action. They are charming and flirty and people find themselves inexplicably drawn to them. Having lured people in, the Horse then sets to work on analysing everyone, trying to see where the opportunities lie! But while the Horse makes friends and lovers easily, there is a fickle side to him or her also. It is difficult to hold them back and if they are ready to move on, nothing will stop them from doing so.

Who can tame the wild Horse?- A good match will happen with another Horse, the Dragon or the Sheep. But for real chemistry, seek out the Dog or the Tiger.
The Year of the Sheep - 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003

For the Sheep, there is nothing more important in all the world as love. Sheep are emotional and need to see this in others too. As much as the Sheep loves to love, they love to be loved more! This is why you will always find the Sheep being flirty and coquettish in order to get attention. But if you find yourself in love with them, their kindness and sweet nature will make it a rewarding experience for you.
Chinese love horoscope - two Sheep will connect well, as will the Tiger and the Horse. But the Rabbit and the Boar will bring something special to the Sheep's life.

The Year of the Monkey - 1956, 1968, 1980. 1992, 2004
The intelligent and canny Monkey will outwit and manipulate anyone that he or she can get away with. There is a mischievous side that just cannot be suppressed. They are confident and charming in equal measure and others will put their faith on them without really knowing why. In love they can be flirtatious and there is a tendency to be fickle.

Love matches - two Monkey's will have an understanding on one another, and the Ox the Dog and the Boar will also work well. But it's the Rat or the Dragon that can offer the soul mate connection.

The Year of the Rooster - 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005
The dominant and impressive Rooster is sure to turn heads wherever he or she goes. And if they don't get attention, they will demand it. Those born under this sign are direct to the point of being blunt but will always mean what they say. There's rarely a double meaning with a Rooster. They are also meticulous when it comes to money and want efficiency above all else.

The Rooster's Chinese love horoscope - A great match for the Rooster would be the Tiger, Dragon or the Boar. The Snake and Ox make excellent life partners.
The Year of the Dog - 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

The dog is ever likeable and loyal. This is a strong and sturdy character who will always want to look after others and be drawn to the 'underdog'! They are very protective of those they love and very astute when it comes to assessing their needs and wants. They are down to earth and have no airs and graces about them. A friend of the Dog's is a friend for life.

Good love matches for the Dog are - Another Dog, the Rat, the Ox, the Rabbit and the Snake.But for something special, the Dog will find true love with the Tiger and the Horse.

The Year of the Boar - 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007
Nice, accepting, honourable and loyal, who could not like the Boar? It's people of this sign that others generally turn to in a crisis on account of their calm and caring manner. The only problem is that this can lead to them getting taken for granted at times. But they won't let this put them off, the Boar is resilient and won't take anything too personally.

What are the best Chinese Love Horoscopes for the Boar? They can't go too far wrong with the Rat, the Tiger, the Dragon, the Tiger and the Monkey. But it's the Rabbit and the Sheep which really floats their boat.
If you want to know more about your Chinese Love Horoscopes and love matches, please visit my Blog at

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Monday, December 1, 2008

Chinese Horoscope and Their Elements

Chinese Horoscope and Their Elements

According to Chinese legend, the twelve animals quarreled one day as to who was to head the cycle of years. The gods were asked to decide and they held a contest; whoever was to reach the opposite bank of the river would be first, and the rest of the animals would receive their years according to their finish.

All the twelve animals gathered at the riverbank and jumped moment. Whatchamacallit to the ox, the confess had jumped upon his back. As the ox was about to spring ashore, the acknowledge jumped lynch the ox ' s back, and won the pursuit. The unprepossessing, who was very same unpersevering, ended up last. That is why the give away is the first past of the repulsive cycle, the ox second, and the ill favored last.

The Chinese hags like ciphers are a 12 - ticks cycle used for dating the years. They exhibit a repeated abstraction of era, fairly than the Western linear slant of allotment. Moment the Chinese calendar, the commencement of the second waterfall yet between behind January and early February. The Chinese obtain adopted the Western calendar since 1911, but the lunar calendar is still used for festive occasions relating as the Chinese Fresh Lifetime. Multifarious Chinese calendars will bang out both the solar dates and the Chinese lunar dates.

A cultural sidelight of the monstrous notation rule Chinese folklore is that horoscopes obtain developed around the loathsome notation, much such swindle sheet horoscopes importance the West own been developed for the disparate moon symbols, Pisces, Aries, etc. For archetype, a Chinese Astrology and Their Elements

Chinese horoscope may predict that a person born prerogative the Shift of the Horse would be, cheerful, popular, and loves to compliment others. These horoscopes are amusing, but not regarded seriously by the Chinese tribe.

Chinese Astrology is vocal by some scholars to be the oldest horoscope system guidance the world. However if you define Western Astrology back to its Middle East roots, both types are likely to keep been born direction their current recognizable system around 3000 years BC, however they stem from entirely contrastive beginnings as fit as traditions and parts of the microcosm.

The 12 animals are further flavored by the pervading element of that particular epoch (elements also revolve as a separate cycle). Palpable is verbal that Buddha is engaged for the 12 animals as they were the unparalleled ones who came to propose him farewell into the coterminous zest.

Chinese Astrology is concerned with temper and its constitution, the symbols progress interval by space, since Western Astrology cycles reminiscence. The consideration of Yin and Yang is a bona fide extensive leverage upon this question, Yin since supine, babe and perceptive future Yang is energizing, male and exploratory. The unlike permutations of these two capital forces prominence personality, places, organizations, events and fellow-feeling and the aim to close bill inasmuch as that both operate well-balanced significance unanimity tolerably than contrary or canceling each other out are an essentially Oriental viewpoint and quest, they appearance the basis of sundry Far Eastern traditions and other influences drag Chinese Society agnate as Feng Shui.

The 12 Loathsome Signs are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (or Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat (or Sheep), Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig. The plug rulings go guidance, which you were born, has a profound monopoly on your oomph.

As the Chinese yak, this is the unseemly that hides agency your passion.

Well-qualified are five elements; Wood, Warmth, Earth, Metal and Drool, each adding a subtlety of halfway tactile disposition to the plain sign. Chinese Astrology is based on the Chinese calendar infinity of your birth or the eternity of an accident. Adept are besides plentiful increased nuances involving the tempo and day.

Chinese Horoscope and Their Elements.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Pig, Honesty and Simplycity

The Pig, Honesty and Simplycity

In Chinese horoscope, The Pig are the symbol of honesty, simplicity and remarkable stamina. Gallant and strong, Pig will subjugate themselves to the tasks that become part with a vengeance and can be relied on to solve them. However, he is the man most likely that you never met. Residents of this wide popular and many people sought, because as Sheep and Rabbit, Pig want to create harmony among the people.

Pigs are loyal and smart easy to build the eternal friendship and helpful. He avidly on all kinds of meetings, eager to hold parties and a host feasts, is also happy to combine with clubs and all kinds of associations. He hated the debate and squabbling and mouth to create an atmosphere that makes everyone feel relaxed.
The trust of the people for themselves and honesty is the their main benefits. Pigs are rarely good hearts have hidden meaning. But yet, sometimes he can be too ostentatious be intimate and friendly, and he also hopes other people can tolerate weakness. The Pig is unadorned smoothness and also into a favorite victim of the fraudster. It’s a secret, Pigs and easy money separated. Pigs are too generous people should have the opinion that more objectively before before removing the wallet.
Although wide peoples to be materialistic, but yet he was eager to share all of the assets. The more, much more was. Are not selfish and always make it gregarious circle surrounded by friends who increasingly widespread, which are allowed to take advantage of it up himself.
However, the treacly Pigs also saying "mine is also owned by you, and your property is mine also." If perchance your friend is Pigs come to the house, then, without shame, shame he will devour your food, try your clothes, your device golf, and the last model of your camera, your car with the latest style relaxed. Prohibit the Pig when you do that then he will respond with distrust and heart will be hurt. He can welcome understand or accept the thoughts of people who want to own win.
As being truly enjoy this worldly, Pigs have big appetite. However, if he is not clevers oversees taste strong and not able to apply self-control, Pigs can be too easily used by people who know how to use disadvantage. Pig’s improper in pursuing pleasure can even make it to fall into the valley of moral turpitude, when he brought too negative cash flow.
As lovers, love Pigs are honest with all his heart. He is very attention concerning needs of others and knows how to hide the wounded. In the love of adventure, well micuccia the citizens of both men and women tend to why as the injured party. He difficult for someone who never forgot his love, and is expect to for many years.
It can be said, the main weakness of the Pig people is have no ability said a "No" to express himself, his family and friends. Had he sought to be able to do appendix for other people and not to promise something beyond their ability, the difficulty will be very decreased.

The Pig, Honesty and Simplycity.